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Ever feel like you can't find your neck at the end of the work day? Sitting hunched over a desk for 8 hours at a time will do that to you- plus a whole lot worse. One study suggests that people who have desk jobs are twice as likely to die early—even if they hit the gym sometimes.

Office workouts featured

Risks like these are the reason you need to learn some office workouts!

Use these exercises to prevent yourself from spending so much time inactive each day. We also recommend consulting a personal trainer who can adapt a workout plan to meet your goals and lifestyle.

How to Squeeze Office Workouts In

Office workouts 2We know when you're on the job, you've got stuff to do, things to focus on, and probably little privacy. Creating healthy, subtle habits can help you squeeze more activity in without impairing your job performance.

Try things like:

  • Always taking the stairs
  • Keeping food in the fridge farthest away
  • Walking to talk to people instead of sending a message
  • Stretching or walking every time you finish certain tasks
  • Going for a walk or workout during your lunch break
  • Asking about company incentives for exercising and other preventative health measures

Exercises You Can Do At Your Desk

Performing an actual office workout is a healthy choice. Here are exercises you can do at your desk (they aren't all subtle, but we live in a time of health-consciousness-- you do you!)

Office workouts 3Use these moves to squeeze in an office workout- from head to toe:

  • Neck rolls
  • Shoulder rolls
  • Eagles arms
  • Tricep dips off your desk chair
  • Arm pulses
  • Arm circles
  • Standing V (crouched at your desk)
  • Seated bicycle crunches
  • Seated oblique twists (best in a swivel chair)
  • Standing push-ups (use your desk at the surface your push up from)
  • Calf raises
  • Chair squats (just push your chair back from your desk a bit)
  • Seated leg lifts

If you need some subtle moves, focus on stretches and flexion exercises. For example, sit up tall, tighten your abs, and alternate lifting your feet off the floor a little. Or, place something between your thighs and squeeze for a few pulses while tightening your abs.

Other Ways to Make Office Work Healthier

Office workoutsThe dangers of desk jobs aren't just related to lack of exercise. Use these tips to improve your office health overall:

Want healthy habits like these to become more natural to you? Start making an overall transformation so your body is equipped for a better lifestyle! Try our FREE New You in 28 Days Guide.


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