Are you finding that your excitement for your next workout session is doing a whole lot of waning and not enough waxing? Or maybe you have an on-again-off-again relationship with your workout routine and are looking for ways to make it more stable. Like any relationship, the one you have with hitting the gym will need work from time to time. The month of love feels like a good time to recommit yourself to that journey!
Here are a few tips for falling in love with your workout all over again:
That could mean a number of things depending on your situation. Maybe your goals simply need an adjustment. If you’ve set your expectations too low, your workouts may not be challenging you enough and if you’ve set them too high, you may be frustrated by your lack of progress. Or maybe your goals have changed entirely, which may require switching up entire parts of your workout routine. If you wrote down your original goals, this is a good time to revisit that list to figure out what’s different. If you’ve never written them out, consider doing it now that you might be setting new ones and reexamine them throughout the year as you and your reasons for training continue to evolve.
Your new or adjusted goals are an important part of making progress but don’t forget about the journey because that process is just as crucial. Working out solely for the outcome makes your relationship with the gym dependent on it. Making fitness gains is certainly something to be proud of, but you should also find pride in the consistency, structure, habits and effort that go into making them happen. So if you’re finding that your excitement about a trip to the gym hinges on how you feel about your progress, it may be time to take a step back to appreciate the bigger picture more often.
This may be the hardest part of all, but lasting and successful fitness and wellness are about playing the long game. That’s because when you’re working on building strength or losing weight, your body literally needs time to adapt to the stress of training and the new energy balance that develops with it. And those adaptations need time to stick, so think of it as a commitment to yourself. It’s something we easily do for other people in our lives. You wouldn’t take shortcuts for them, so don’t take them for yourself either.
And we don’t mean for social media. Take the photo for yourself even if you don’t intend for anyone else to see it. Snap a pic of the progress, the process and any time you feel a burst of excitement during or after a workout. It’s a way to appreciate and keep track of the physical, mental and emotional aspects of your transformation because we know that movement has an impact on all three. The photos also serve another purpose when you’re not feeling the kind of excitement they capture. Use them as motivation and a reminder that while not every day at the gym is going to look like the one in the images, you’ve had plenty of good days there and another one is around the corner.
We also fully support shouting about all the hard work you're putting in from the rooftops, so if you're sharing your fitness journey on Instagram, tag us @goldsgymsocal. Our favorite part is celebrating our members and whatever goals they're after!
If you’ve had that on-again-off-again relationship with working out we mentioned earlier, this guide is for you! It’s possible that some of those false starts were more about not knowing the best way to turn over a new leaf rather than your readiness and willingness to make it happen. Our free New You in 28 Days Guide will give you the exact steps you need to get started on the right foot.
With this free guide, in 28 days you will:
- Find time for yourself
- Start a healthy fitness routine
- Get tips on what to eat to keep you on track
- Work out efficiently to maximize your time
- Learn the secret to making it through your 28 days and beyond
- Feel healthy, happy and inspired to keep your new habits going