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Gold's Gym SoCal Blog

Health And Fitness Tips For The SoCal Community

November 2020

10 Cold and Flu Fighting Foods

The best way to stay healthy during this cold and flu season is by taking preventative steps. Keeping up a regular fitness routine and eating clean and healthy are the best ways to fight off the sniffles and get through cold and flu season unscathed.

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October 2020

6 Tips to Ease Yourself Back Into the Gym

Staying active and continuing to reach your fitness goals during shelter-in-place orders has felt next to impossible. Our routines were interrupted, and for many, it can feel like you're starting over from scratch.

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August 2020

Find Time for Fitness in Your Busy Day

Right now, our Gold’s SoCal community is stronger than ever. Our staff is showing their innovation and persistence to make sure your physical and mental health stay active during this tough time.  We are all working together to ensure members and employees receive the fitness support they need. We are grateful to you, our GGSC family, for rising to the challenge in these unprecedented times.

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July 2020

How Exercise and Sleep Work Together

How is your sleep quality lately? In this time of sheltering in place, dealing with more responsibilities at home than usual and less ability to take a social break, many of us are experiencing much higher levels of stress and anxiety. And what happens when we’re more stressed out? Our sleep quality suffers!

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