High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is no fad. This form of exercise has been around for a long time, even though it’s gone by different names. There’s a reason the method sticks around- it works! People love their HIIT workout because it actually helps with weight loss and muscle strengthening. Plus it’s quick.
You’re not working hard on your body just to hide at home. You don’t need to skip happy hour for fear of derailing your training progress. Take your guns (and abs, and all those other sexy muscles you’ve been building) out to celebrate.
Obviously preparing fresh food at home is ideal over eating out. The reality is that sometimes fast food is just the most practical option for a meal- and you have to eat!
March 2017
Juice Cleanses - Can You Believe the Hype?
Given the enormous popularity of the trend, you’ve probably considered trying a juice cleanse LA style. The idea of cutting back on calories and enjoying fresh foods is definitely in line with the LA culture. However, despite the trends’ popularity, juicing is also controversial.