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Gold's Gym SoCal Blog

Health And Fitness Tips For The SoCal Community

November 2018

How Stress Affects Your Body

About 8 in 10 Americans say they frequently or sometimes encounter stress in their daily lives. It’s a surprising statistic especially when considering the toll stress takes on your body. Here are 4 ways stress can affect your body and how to counter it.

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November 2018

Using Exercise for Anxiety Relief

It might start as a little bit of worry, but anxiety has a way of growing into something much bigger and harder to deal with. Anxiety ranges from uncomfortable to debilitating. Fortunately, exercise for anxiety can minimize its harmful impact.

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October 2018

2018 Gold's Gym SoCal 1st Place National Winner: Rayna Hurdle

Meet Rayna Hurdle of Gold's Gym West Covina

Rayna began to neglect herself while taking care of family members who fell sick to chronic illnesses like diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and Parkinson's. As her health began to decline, a wake up call from her husband inspired Rayna to get back into shape. Her second time on a weight loss journey, Rayna felt more inspired and more motivated than she has ever been. She kept her eye on the prize and became a National First Place Winner of the Gold's Gym Challenge.

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October 2018

2018 Gold's Gym SoCal Challenge 1st place National Winner: Patrick Gass

Meet Patrick Gass of Gold's Gym Simi Valley

After a knee injury in 2017, finding it difficult to recover, Patrick began picking up unhealthy eating habits. He gained 20 pounds over a couple months and weighed more than he ever has at 200 pounds. After reading about past Gold's Challenge winner, Tom Bernier (Massachusetts), Patrick felt inspired to make a change to get healthy. Working with personal trainer Rebekah from Gold's Gym Simi Valley, Patrick shed all of the excess weight, gained muscle, and at 54, he says he's never looked better. Here is Patrick's story to become our 1st Place National Winner.

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