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Gold's Gym SoCal Blog

Health And Fitness Tips For The SoCal Community

July 2019

Beef Up Your Bodybuilding and Weight Lifting Regimen

There's strength training...and then there's bulking up. If you want muscle mass to show off, you need to beef up your bodybuilding and weight lifting regimen. Sculpting muscles that stand out takes hard work- and it also takes careful planning, mindful eating, and smart strategy.

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July 2019

Your Guide to Basic Free Weights

One loud clang of free weights hitting the floor in the gym is enough to scare most beginner lifters off. If it sounds intense, it sounds dangerous! Have no fear, though. A little knowledge about basic free weights is enough to get you started (safely).

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July 2019

Find Your Best Group Fitness and Exercise Class

Does the idea of working out in a group make you flashback to gym class in grade school? Whether the memories are good or not, it's time to dispel the myth that classes at the gym are like school gym class. Group Fitness and Exercise classes are more fun and more effective for reaching specific goals than gym in school ever was. Plus, you get to pick what class (or classes) you take!

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June 2019

Gym Etiquette 101

You go to the gym to work out- but so do a lot of other people. Fellow gym members can make your transformation process even more amazing- but sharing the space can also be awkward. When you're lifting on the floor or exercising in the cardio cinema, gym etiquette is important!

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