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Gold's Gym SoCal Blog

Health And Fitness Tips For The SoCal Community

December 2016

6 Quick Changes To Maximize Your Workout Effectiveness

Let’s face it, when you have the time to work out you can’t really afford time. Stop wasting time mulling around the weight room! Before you head to the gym, know what your goal is for that day, assess the amount of energy you have to devote, and then implement habits that utilize your time completely. One such format that helps to do this is high intensity interval training (HIIT). 

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November 2016

Burn Fat Fast With These Top Cardio Workouts In LA

Stop wasting time at the dreadmill treadmill! If you’re serious about burning fat and looking good, you need to up the intensity!

While we know a healthy combination of cardio and strength is needed for optimal health, choosing cardio that is high intensity and utilizes your whole body is what will lean you out quicker than you can say, "Shred!" So if your goal is to lose weight or to lean out and if you want that to happen fast, aim to get 2-3 of these calorie-torching workouts in each week. Fuel up!

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November 2016

3 Podcasts To Listen To During Your Next Workout

At the gym, you want all the right elements to make for productive, satisfactory, and even enjoyable exercise. So, it’s important you make a sound effort into creating the best environment for applause-worthy workouts! One of those efforts is taking advantage of downloading podcasts to help fuel your workout motivation. By doing so, you are adding energy, distraction, and a way to keep the beat to increase your pace.

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October 2016

Get Long And Lean With These Top 3 Group Exercise Classes

Sexy knee-high boots, cute skirts, and sleeveless tops are what make fall clothes’ shopping our favorite time of year! But in order to feel your hottest in those clothes, head to Gold’s Gym and jump into one of our many group fitness classes (GGX)! 

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