If you were going to tackle a huge project at work, you would ask for guidance and get support. If you wanted to climb Mount Everest, you would seek advice and join a climbing group.
High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is no fad. This form of exercise has been around for a long time, even though it’s gone by different names. There’s a reason the method sticks around- it works! People love their HIIT workout because it actually helps with weight loss and muscle strengthening. Plus it’s quick.
September 2017
Big Booties are In! This is How You Use Workouts for a Bigger Butt To Show Off a Firmer, Rounder Behind...
Remember when Spanx were advertised to help you hide your behind? Those days are over. Thanks to gorgeous women like Serena Williams and Rhonda Rousey, natural curves are finally being appreciated!
This is How You Get a 6-Pack of Abs (Even If Nothing Else Has Worked!)
Ever woken up in cold sweat because you had a nightmare that a 6-pack of abs eluded you again? We understand. For so many, a 6-pack sounds like a fantasy. Despite completing ab programs and getting ripped, your stomach may still be stuck at flat.