It’s that time of year again when many of us make a New Year’s resolution, then let it fall by the wayside a short while later. You can break that cycle by making fitness part of your routine. We know it’s not easy to establish a routine and stay motivated to stick to it week in and week out, but it’s not easy to get results out of your workouts without it either. We’re human, after all, so developing a fitness routine is as physical as it is mental.
November has arrived, which means we’re just a few weeks away from the holiday whirlwind between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day. There are gifts to buy, decorations to hang, meals to make, trips to take, parties to attend and people to see. While the holidays connect us with family and friends, the time between putting the turkey in the oven and waking up in the new year can also feel like a marathon-long sprint that could get in the way of your actual sprints.
September 2022
Moving More Than Recommended Can Lead to a Longer Life
Your odds of living a longer life go way up the more you move every week. Those are the findings of a new study published in the American Heart Association’s flagship, peer-reviewed journal Circulation. Researchers analyzed information from more than 100,000 participants over a 30-year follow-up period and concluded that adults who perform two to four times the current recommended amount of moderate or vigorous physical activity per week have a significantly reduced risk of mortality.
Ah, spring! It has a way of reviving our goals and motivation, doesn’t it? For a lot of us, the season of new beginnings starts at home with cleaning, organizing, and getting rid of the clutter of the last year. But why stop there? Spring is the perfect time to assess your habits at the gym, too. You can improve both your experience and fitness results by spring cleaning these five bad habits out of your workout routine.