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Gold's Gym SoCal Blog

Health And Fitness Tips For The SoCal Community

October 2019

Do You Need to Jump Start Your Fitness Before Joining the Gym?

What do you picture when you think of the gym? If you're like most people, you might imagine muscular guys and toned women ultra-focused on exercises you can't even fathom doing! This impression of the gym can be intimidating and make you feel like you have to be in shape before joining the gym.

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October 2019

GGX Instructor Spotlight: Travis Cheek

Meet Travis Cheek

Travis Cheek is one of our amazing cycle instructors and mentors. Travis started his own weight-loss journey a few years ago and never looked back! He realized he was 80 pounds over his preferred weight limit, took responsibility and is now working to help transform our Gold’s Gym Simi Valley and Thousand Oaks members every day. 

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September 2019

Top Tips for Running Your First Race

You've seen the pictures everyone posts. They're sweaty and smiling, holding up a medal to prove they made it. Now you want a turn. Running your first race is a great non-scale goal, but how do you get there?

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July 2019

Find Your Best Group Fitness and Exercise Class

Does the idea of working out in a group make you flashback to gym class in grade school? Whether the memories are good or not, it's time to dispel the myth that classes at the gym are like school gym class. Group Fitness and Exercise classes are more fun and more effective for reaching specific goals than gym in school ever was. Plus, you get to pick what class (or classes) you take!

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