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Gold's Gym SoCal Blog

Health And Fitness Tips For The SoCal Community

March 2017

Gold’s Gym Fullerton Member Spotlight: Darna Magpayo

Gold’s Gym Fullerton Member Profile: Q&A Interview with Darna Magpayo

On a hot summer day in 2013, Darna was sitting at friend’s wedding with a sweater on to hide her arms. Watching everyone else dance and have fun, Darna’s feet hurt. On medication for several weight-related health problems, Darna cringed as her husband introduced “his beautiful wife.” She didn’t feel beautiful, and she hated feeling like she couldn’t enjoy life with her family.

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March 2017

Gold’s Gym West Covina Member Spotlight: Maribel Contreras

Gold’s Gym West Covina Member Profile: Q&A Interview with Maribel Contreras

In the sixth grade, Maribel Contreras faked sick on gym days. She never thought that at age 39 she would be considering boasting a bikini for a body building show. A key part of Maribel’s transformation was the 2016 Gold’s Challenge.

For 12 weeks, Maribel buckled down on her workout schedule beside her personal trainer at Gold’s Gym West Covina. By the end of the challenge, her 42-inch waistline was down to 32 inches. Proud, she took her place as a Gold’s Challenge winner.

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March 2017

Should I Choose The Gym Close to Me?

You can’t get a sexy toned body without working for it. The question is - how much will it take? Most people find joining a gym is the most effective tactic for maintaining workout motivation.

Of course, not all gyms are created equal. You might be thinking "I'll join the gym close to me" in hopes that the local gym will help you commit to your workout. Don’t sign up without considering your options first!

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February 2017

Personal Training in LA - 4 Questions to Get You Started

When’s the last time you felt on top of the world after a workout? Are you regularly seeing progressive changes in your body, or has the number on the scale stayed the same? If your gym time feels like a part-time job and you still aren’t losing weight or making gains, you’re not making the best use of your time. And since you already have enough to balance between work, home, and other responsibilities, your workouts need to be right on target!

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