Gold's Gym SoCal Blog

5 Benefits of Functional Training

Written by Gold's Gym SoCal | 11.10.2023

Why You Should Implement Functional Training Into Your Workout

Have you been looking for a workout routine that will improve how you perform daily tasks? Well, that’s what functional training is all about. Everyday movements are incorporated into your workout to support activities performed outside of the gym. As you consider adding functional training to your workout, take a moment to learn more about the advantages of functional training and some of the top functional training exercises.

5 Benefits of Functional Training Workouts

Functional training workouts aim to engage each muscle in your body to promote calorie burning, muscle definition and growth, and aerobic capacity. You’ll find yourself using a variety of exercise equipment to move in different directions at varying speeds while training. 

The overall benefits are great regardless of your age, experience, and fitness level. Let’s take a look at the top five ways implementing functional training will help you:

1. Functional Training Improves Balance and Coordination

When you’re moving about in the real world, your body isn’t supported by machines. You only have your balance and coordination to rely on as you go through a range of motions. For example, standing up from a chair and pushing a grocery cart requires you to go through various motions.

That’s why functional training uses your own body weight and a combination of various movements to stabilize your body. Older people will especially find these exercises beneficial, as they can help people avoid falls and injuries. A better quality of life comes with improved balance and coordination, and functional training helps you achieve both.

2. Prevent Injuries With Functional Training

Knee and ankle injuries are very common. Why? Because there’s a significant amount of stress placed on these joints when we attempt to change direction quickly. Functional training keeps these joints active and stable. 

Joint strengthening exercises are included in the workout so that areas prone to injury can better support high-impact movements. Also, since your entire body is being used, it can handle impact and stress as one unit. Isolation exercises focus on one muscle group, which can easily become overworked and unable to handle the stress of impact.

3. Improve Your Posture With Functional Training

To maintain stability, you need to strengthen your abs, hips, and scapulars. Therefore, functional training engages these core muscles. As you strengthen your core, you also provide more protection for your central nervous system and organs.

Functional training also promotes a more stable spinal cord and stronger back muscles, which automatically improves your posture. An improved posture means less back pain, and who doesn’t want that?

4. Functional Exercises Increase Flexibility and Mobility

Functional training stretches your muscles by using a wide range of motions to increase overall flexibility and mobility. This focus on improved flexibility makes it easier to perform activities in daily life.

5. Functional Training Enhances Speed and Power

Training your entire body with functional exercises will help it become faster and stronger. In functional training, elements such as muscle control, balance, and explosiveness are incorporated into the exercises to give you better control and fluidity over your movements when changing direction or speed.

Popular Exercises Used During Functional Training 

If you want to receive the benefits of functional training, you’ll need to start adding functional exercises to your workouts. Some of the top low-impact exercises you’ll want to perform during a functional training session include:

  • Squats
  • Squat Jumps
  • Push-Ups
  • Walking Lunges
  • Lateral Lunges
  • Jumping Lunges
  • Hip Hinges
  • Planks
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Burpees
  • Medicine Ball Rotational Throws
  • Single-Leg Deadlifts

While functional exercises will vary depending on your fitness levels and goals, most fitness experts agree that these are basic movement patterns and exercises you’ll want to include in a functional training session.

Activities Improved by Functional Fitness

While you decide on whether functional training is right for you, review some of the daily activities functional fitness can improve below:

  • Sitting and standing
  • Carrying grocery bags
  • Walking on uneven terrain or slippery floors
  • Picking up babies and toddlers
  • Bending over to pick up items on the floor
  • Hanging items on the wall
  • Turning to grab an item behind you
  • Climbing stairs
  • Getting in and out of bed

Visit Gold’s Gym SoCal for Functional Training Classes Near You in Southern California

If you’re looking for functional training near you in Southern California, Gold’s Gym SoCal has you covered. At our SoCal locations, we offer group exercise classes that will teach you the moves needed to improve motion, balance, coordination, and more. Alongside our group training classes, we have a wide selection of premium gym equipment for functional training. When you’d like to work with a personal trainer, our Fitness Professionals are ready to guide you through functional training exercises and help you meet your goals.

If you’re ready to maximize your functional training results, review our SoCal locations and sign up for a Gold’s Gym membership today!

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