Gold's Gym SoCal Blog

Beat the Heat: Workout Safely in Warm Weather

Written by Gold's Gym SoCal | 9.24.2020

Grab your sunscreen, because we’re taking our workouts outside! Gold’s Gym SoCal is officially open outdoors and our members, and staff have been loving the outdoor playground we’ve put together. Since we’re all exercising outdoors, we’re going to give you some advice on how to stay cool while working up a sweat. 

For the latest gym updates, hours and COVID-19 operations, please check out our resources page.  

It’s so important for your mental and physical health to maintain a fitness routine, so don’t let the warm weather stop you. We want you to feel comfortable when exercising outside, so we’ve put together our best tips on how to make the most of your outdoor experience while staying safe. 

Time of Day:

We all have our preferred times that we like to get our pump on, but you may need adjust those appropriately to how you feel most comfortable in an outdoor setting. Working out early morning or evening is best. However maximizing the sunshine in the afternoon can have an after affect as you continuing to burn calories throughout the day. 

What to wear: 

When the weather is heating up, we suggest skipping workout leggings that day and opt for a pair of running shorts. Also, grab a loose and breathable tank that allows for optimal airflow. This will help you stay cool while looking hot! 

Hit that Hydration Station:

Don’t skimp on your water intake. Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your workout to replenish the loss of fluids during your workout. It’s easy to become dehydrated, especially when the weather is warm, so chug chug chug! 

Take 5:

It’s easy to overdo it when you’re not used to working out in the sun. Make sure you’re taking plenty of breaks in between sets and circuits so your body can adjust to the temperature and cool off a bit. 

Make a Plan:

Just like your daily to-do list, it’s smart to go into a workout with a plan in mind. Plan out which exercises you’ll be doing, how long you’ll spend on each one, and what muscle groups you want to target that day. This will help you streamline your workout to lessen the time you’re in the sun.

Skip the Sports Drink:

Replenishing your electrolytes is key after a workout, but the sugar levels can cause your energy levels to crash. We suggest you nourish up before your workout and after with healthy foods, instead of a sugary sports drink. 

You’ve got all the tips needed to workout in the sun. If you need more advice on how to get ready for the gym, check out our Gym Ready Guide here. Read the guide, grab your towel, slather on the SPF, and we’ll see you at the gym!  

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 Gold’s Gym SoCal is an association of separate clubs—click here for info.