Gold's Gym SoCal Blog

Gold’s Gym SoCal — Santa Barbara Instructor Spotlight: Hannah Sener

Written by Gold's Gym SoCal | 8.8.2018

Have you ever tried assembling something complex without using the instructions? It’s tough! The same is true of trying to build the kind of body you want. You need instruction. While plans and programs can be helpful, having a living, breathing instructor working with you in class also makes a big difference.

We love our Gold’s instructors! That’s why we’re shining an instructor spotlight on Hannah Sener, one of our fabulous cycle teachers.

Instructor Spotlight: Hannah Sener

You can find Hannah teaching cycles classes at our Santa Barbara Uptown club and our Santa Barbara Downtown club. She’s a favorite, known for her winning smile and ability to help people find fitness fun so they forget they’re even working out. If you try one of her classes at Uptown or Downtown, you’ll have a great time while getting in a great workout and burning fat.

Get to Know Hannah

What are your classes like? In my class, you can expect a lot of really great music to get your mind off the fact that you’re on a stationary bike going nowhere.

What’s your advice to a newcomer? My biggest advice to a Gold's newcomer is to try EVERYTHING! You never know what’s going to surprise you!

What’s your favorite class? My favorite fitness class is obviously spin, but I love a good HIIT class.

What’s your favorite workout song? The song that gets me most pumped in my workout is anything Britney Spears.

What’s your favorite workout attire? My favorite workout attire includes a good pattern pant, a lightweight top, and a headband!

What’s your favorite healthy meal? My favorite healthy meal is baked spaghetti squash.

What’s your favorite cheat meal? My favorite cheat meal is ice cream

What inspires you? I get my inspiration from music! I always make my playlist based on what music I’m feeling that day.

What do you like to do outside of Gold’s? My favorite physical activity outside of Gold’s is hiking! I conquered the mother of all hikes last summer in Yosemite - Half Dome!

Any great morning rituals? My morning ritual includes a big glass of vitamin C.

What’s something not many people know about you? Something not many people know about me is I have a twin sister and we have different birthdays.

What’s your favorite way to spend a day off? My perfect day off is spent at the beach playing beach volleyball.

See Hannah in Action

Come to Gold’s to meet Hannah or the other instructors that work hard to help people like you reach your goals. If your goal, for example, is to get a bigger booty, take our FREE 28 Day Booty Challenge!