Gold's Gym SoCal Blog

Body Shaping Secrets from Male Fitness Models

Written by Gold's Gym SoCal | 4.19.2017

Looking like the hot guys on fitness magazine covers doesn’t happen by accident. Even excellent photo editing skills or cosmetic procedures can’t fake a real six pack of abs. The secret behind the sculpted looks of most male fitness models is a body shaping routine.

What a Body Shaping Routine Is:

Essentially a workout and diet routine combined, body shaping is a process that focuses on internally and externally working on your muscles to achieve your desired look. Male fitness models tend to prioritize having a sculpted, jacked look. Most fitness models desire a little bulge in their muscles but focus the most on having a tight, ripped appearance to be attractive.

The Top 10 Secrets of a Male Fitness Model

  1. Focus on Fitness First

Before you can focus on toning, trimming, and shaping, you need to get your body to a healthy standard. Commitment to a plan that builds strength and blasts fast first. You’ll need to be in shape before you can look like you’re in ridiculously good shape.


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  1. Be Willing to Work Hard

Just like you won’t look like a model by accident, you won’t get jacked by doing the minimum to be fit. You’ll need to be willing to work hard. Commit to a regular and intense workout as a part of your body shaping routine.

  1. Eat Like a Fitness Junkie

Working out and eating healthy probably aren’t going to be enough to whip your body into model shape. One of the ways models flex their diets to shape their muscles is by making calculations. For example, they use tools like fitness calculators to get to know their metrics, metabolic rates, nutritional intake needs, and more. These figures can be calculated to create an optimized eating and fitness plan to meet your goals.

  1. Eat Lean and Rich

Once you’ve calculated your optimal nutritional intake, select foods that are lean and rich in protein. Fish and green veggies are great examples of the kinds of food male models mainline.

  1. Target Aesthetic Muscle Groups

Personal trainer Kris Gethin explains fans of models “are looking for a guy who is both muscular and lean.” If you want to look like a fitness model to be more attractive, you need to target the muscles that make models so hot. Abs, biceps, shoulders, legs, and buttocks muscles should be strong and firm to catch attention. Choose exercises that specifically tone these muscle groups.

  1. Opt for HIIT Workouts to Trim Your Body

Remember: body shaping is hard work. Trimming your whole body to get that sexy v-shape is going to be intense. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is an exciting workout format that combines several forms of exercise to pump your cardio, tone your muscles, and trim your body profile.

  1. Protect Your Joints to Stay on Track

When working to get your body in optimal shape, you are at greater risk of injury. Amidst all your intense exercises, use functional training to strengthen the joints that are responsible for supporting those growing, sexy muscles. You’ll reduce the risk of injury in the process.

  1. Supplement With Bodyweight Exercises

On top of your regular gym routine lifting, performing HIIT, and completing other intense regimens, practice bodyweight exercises at home. Simple and convenient, examples of bodyweight exercises include sit-ups, push-ups, and planks. These kinds of exercises will give your muscles a little fine-tuning in your free time.

  1. Work Your Way Up Reasonably

“Leave your ego at the door and choose a weight that you can lift.” That’s the advice of body sculpting expert Joe Warner. Why? Because when you try to lift too much before your muscles are ready, you do actual damage instead of breaking down fibers that will rebuild muscles for a toned look. Work your way up to shape your body. It can’t happen overnight.

  1. Don’t Do It Alone

Trying to gain the good looks of a male fitness model is a real challenge. Make it even more possible with the help of friends. Join a fitness class, find accountability partners, and consider finding a personal trainer. With help, you’re more likely to find success.

What’s the First Step to Take to Get Ripped?

It’s worth saying again. You can transform your body into model quality, but don’t get ahead of yourself. Start by getting as fit as you can, and then tailor your program using these ten secrets.

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