Gold's Gym SoCal Blog

How to Workout Without Messing Up Your Hair

Written by Gold's Gym SoCal | 5.10.2018

You put all that time into getting the perfect blowout. Then, you go to the gym. It’s a paradox. You go to the gym to workout so you can look your best. But going to the gym also makes your hair look like a mess.

Stop the mane madness.

Opt for these workouts that won’t mess up your hair.

Top Workout Tips That Won't Mess Up Your Hair

Tip #1: Stick to Strength Training on Your Best Hair Days

The most important thing you can do to preserve those luscious locks at the gym is to choose your workout wisely. There are a ton of exercises guaranteed to mess up your hair- like anything that requires a ton of bouncing, fast motion, or sweat! Sweat is a great blowout’s enemy.

So, the best workouts that won’t mess up your hair are all based on strength training or functional fitness.


  • Lifting weights
  • Performing lunges, squats, and other slow moves
  • Fitness classes like Barre or Corefusion
  • Yoga can work if it is low-intensity

For a full workout that will keep your hair sweat-free and easy to fluff back into its gorgeous state, try this routine. If you’re tempted to stick to strength training on blowout days but don’t know where to start, learn the basics of functional training.

Tip #2: Don’t Use a Ponytail Elastic

There really isn’t any kind of workout you can do with your hair down if you want to maintain your blowout. So, you need a way to put your hair up without getting that awful ponytail dent. Fortunately, there are options besides ponytail elastic.


  • Using bobby pins to hold your hair up
  • A sweat absorbent headband to keep your hair out of your face
  • Softer holders, like scrunchies or Invisibobbles

When you put your hair up, braid, roll or twist your hair. Never go for a plain ponytail, since it will swing, tough sweat, and get tangled easily. Pair Princess Leia style buns or a top knot with other cute workout accessories for a great look.

Tip #3: Go Sans-Hats and Hands

It may be tempting to use your hands to smooth your hair during or after exercise- but don’t! Even if you’ve washed your hands, your fingers can transfer oils to your tresses. The motion can also flatten and wear hair volume down. Baseball caps do the same thing. Instead of using your hands or a hat to keep your locks smooth, use a basic towel to dab sweat or a brush to fluff up the texture.

Tip #4: Use Smarter Products

If you use all your usual products pre-workout (which might have greasy silicone in them) your hair will look greasy even if you follow all these other blowout-preserving tips! Choose smarter hair products for your workout.

Opt for:

  • A moisturizing leave-in conditioner that reactivates with a hair dryer
  • A long-lasting wet texturizer that makes reviving a blowout easier
  • A leave-in or smoothing mist for days when you’re rolling your hair tight during a workout

Pack products like these in your gym bag to ensure you are always prepared for a great hair day!

Put all these tips to good use and your hair is going to fresh as your sexy body does after your gym time.

Want to raise your rear as well as you boast that blowout? Take our FREE Butt Challenge!

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