Gold's Gym SoCal Blog

Start Right Now. It’s Never Too Late to Feel Great.

Written by Gold's Gym SoCal | 7.16.2021

It’s time to make movement a part of your life every day, and Gold’s Gym SoCal is the perfect place to start. If you’re new to working out, or you’re just starting your fitness journey, we have knowledgeable trainers and staff to help you map out a plan to reach your goals. The first step in beginning your fitness journey is to figure out what your motivation to get healthier is. Are you hoping to improve your mental health, physical looks, strengthen, and tone, or improve your overall health? Once you decide this, you’ll find it easier to motivate yourself to get to the gym consistently and put in the work to reach your goals.

If you’re still finding it difficult to get up and get active, a great way to find that daily motivation is to start scheduling your workouts. When you’re planning out your day or week in your calendar, add a time for the gym. Start with a couple of times a week and gradually increase your weekly workouts. 

The next tip to start enjoying your workouts and getting motivated is to figure out what time of day you like to exercise. Do you prefer morning workouts, mid-day, or evening workouts? Set aside time every day to go to the gym at the time you feel most motivated.

One of the most important steps to reaching your goals and finding a love for exercise is to try new workouts until you find one that works for you. If you’re going to the gym consistently, but only doing the same workout, you’ll quickly grow bored and lose the motivation you worked so hard to find. Gold’s Gym SoCal has so many options for fun and exciting workouts, including group fitness classes, cycle classes, personal training, strength training, resistance workouts, and more. Don’t get stuck in a never-ending loop of the same exercise, switch it up and try something new as often as you can.

If you’re still feeling unsure or lost while working out in the gym, try a personal training session so that one of our expert trainers can give you workouts that will help you attain your goals. Sign up today, and get 7 days free and start your fitness journey with the best gym in SoCal.


Need a little extra help? Let’s be honest, getting in shape is a lot of work. It requires a shift in mindset, a lot of motivation and tons of support! Our Workout Workbook is designed to be the ultimate resource to help you start your journey, and keep going!