Gold's Gym SoCal Blog

Physical and Mental Benefits of Group Exercise Classes

Written by Gold's Gym SoCal | 11.30.2021

Group Fitness has been a popular way to work out for years but recently has taken the fitness world by storm. It’s an incredible feeling being professionally trained by high-energy instructors and feeling like you’re part of a team all working towards the same goal; to be happier and healthier versions of yourself. 

Gold’s Gym SoCal strives to help all of our members achieve those feelings of satisfaction in their workouts by offering a wide variety of group classes that everyone can enjoy. We’ve even created a quiz you can take to find out which group fitness class is right for you. 

If you’ve been on the fence about group classes, take our quiz and then read on to see why group workouts can be beneficial for everyone and help you achieve your health goals while having fun!

Better perception of exercise: Research shows when you see your peers working hard in a fitness class it can push you to work harder along with them. When others succeed in their fitness goals it leads to a better perception of working out and getting healthy. This will help you create better daily health habits and boost your motivation to stick with them. 

Become part of a team: When you regularly attend a class you start to recognize your peers and see people from previous classes. You’ll start to feel like part of a team all working together towards the same goal of becoming more active in your day-to-day lives. When you feel like you’re all on the same page, you begin to feel comradery and you start to make friends with your fitness peers. 

Hold yourself accountable: Going off of our last benefit of feeling like you’re part of a team, you’ll start to hold yourself more accountable to get to your classes to see your peers and feel that comradery. You’ll feel more motivated to go see your favorite instructors, push yourself in class to work harder, and feel that 

Work with a professional: One of the biggest perks of taking group classes is that you’ll be led by experts in the industry who have created a workout plan that is made specifically for you. Your instructors will also provide you with support, tips, and any necessary modifications to the exercises. When you have someone leading you through the workouts, you’ll never wonder what exercises you should do next or which equipment to use to aid you in your health journey. They’ve got it covered!

These are just a few of the many reasons why indoor group fitness is so beneficial to start, maintain, and enjoy an active lifestyle. Gold’s Gym SoCal has many invigorating fitness classes that members of all fitness levels can take and modify to fit their skills. Take our fitness quiz if you haven’t already, and sign up for the class that our quiz picks for you or any other that piques your interest. See you in class!

 Gold’s Gym SoCal is an association of separate clubs—click here for info.