Gold's Gym SoCal Blog

Gold’s Gym Fullerton Trainer Spotlight: Aaron Chung

Written by Gold's Gym SoCal | 11.27.2018

Meet Aaron Chung of Gold's Gym Fullerton

There's nothing better than when a personal trainer's path to fitness is one of success. After Aaron lost 60 pounds with the help of a personal trainer, he decided that he wanted to help others reach their ideal health goals. Today, Aaron is dedicated to living a healthy lifestyle. 

He has helped many clients reach their potential and has encouraged many others to come to him for personal training. Aaron is a favorite at Gold's Gym Fullerton and we want to spotlight him and thank him for all that he's done for some many clients. We salute you, Aaron!

Get to Know Aaron

Where are you from? I was born and raised in Orange County, California.

What are your certifications? NCCPT, CPR/AED

How long have you been a personal trainer? I have been a trainer for over 2 years.

What got you into personal training? I got into personal training after I received personal training myself. I went through a life changing transformation from 180 pounds, 36 inch waist to 130 pounds, 27 inch waist. When I realized that I wasn’t “big boned,” I decided to pursue bodybuilding. I began to learn to manipulate and shape my body at my own command and because I am so passionate about changing lives and positivity, I decided to pass down my knowledge and pursue a career that I was not only good at but I loved doing.

What is your training style? Training style? There’s too many. I incorporate all spectrums of fitness because when it comes down to training clients, age, sex, goals, injuries are all so different that I had to learn to adapt to all types. My favorite style of training though is the traditional bodybuilding style; 4 day split focused in on specific muscle groups like 1) Legs 2) Shoulders 3) Back and 4) Chest.

Have you worked with any notable people? I have trained and helped create diets for various competitors. One of the notable people that I have worked with is Joseph Lee IFBB Pro. Joseph and I have not only trained each other but have been able to pass knowledge throughout the years as friends and workout buddies.

What is your favorite workout/equipment to use? My favorite workout/equipment is the Leg Press machine. I just like to bang it out and grow my wheels!

What is your favorite healthy or cheat meal? Sushi! It has to be all you can eat!

What advice do you want to give to clients starting a PT program? Consistency! Do not give up! Working out and getting proper training does not only change your appearance. Working out creates control over your life. Everything else in life begins to start seeming a little easier to control.

What makes Golds' PT program unique compared to others? Gold’s Personal Training is unique because at Gold’s we believe in making sure that our clients feel safe, motivated and kept accountable. Our trainers are so personal that we basically become lifelong friends with our clients. What better way to get training than to get someone who is totally invested in you personally?

What is something no one knows about you? I am a Nationally Qualified Competitor in the National Physique Committee for both the Men’s Physique and Bodybuilding division.


Do you train with Aaron? Tell us all about it!

Come to Gold’s Gym Fullerton to meet Aaron and book him for personal training today! We know he will help you reach your fitness goals and be a motivating force in your fitness journey. if you want to get a rounder, toner booty, take our FREE 28 Day Booty Challenge!