Gold's Gym SoCal Blog

2019 Gold's Gym SoCal Challenge National 1st Place Winner: Alexandra Diaz

Written by Gold's Gym SoCal | 12.4.2019

Meet Alexandra Diaz from Gold's Gym North Hollywood!

Growing up feeling insecure, Alexandra was never fully satisfied with how she looked. Growing up thin, then gaining the weight during her freshman year, she continued to feel uncomfortable with how she looked and would avoid going out. Her family began to notice she was isolating herself and her mom pushed her to go to the gym. A rocky start, she tried every fad diet and it backfired every time. A few years later, Alexandra reached out to personal trainer Francesca to start training. Little did she know, working with Francesca during the Challenge would lead her to victory. 12 weeks later, Alexandra was awarded as 2019's Gold's Gym Challenge National First Place Winner. 

Click here to sign up for the Gold's Gym 2020 Challenge starting January 2020!

Here's Alexandra's unbelievable transformation. We hope it inspires you!

Q: Why did you decide to take the Challenge and make a change?

Alexandra: I wanted to prove to myself that I could do it - make a total lifestyle change. And I’m so happy that I did!

Q: Can you describe your fitness journey?

Alexandra: A very bumpy road! I got my first gym membership and trainer about 5 or 6 years ago and stuck with it for about three months. This became a cycle - I would go to the gym consistently for a few months and then completely quit for a year or year and half, and start over again. It honestly wasn’t until the Challenge that I made myself and fitness a priority and I’ve never felt better. 

Q: What inspired you to make the change?

Alexandra: I wasn’t happy with myself on how I looked and felt and I knew training with Francesca would help with that.  

Q: How was your experience with your personal trainer? How did she keep you motivated?

Alexandra: I can talk about her for hours, but to keep it short - she is AMAZING. Francesca consistently reminded me of my goal, which I think is one of the most important things because there were moments where I didn’t feel motivated, or started to compare myself to others, but when I was reminded of why I even started, it helped me stay in my lane and focus on myself and even push myself harder.

Q: How are you planning on maintaining your results?

Alexandra: I’ve made it a habit to incorporate fitness into my daily life. I don’t even think about going to the gym anymore - I just do it. It has definitely become one of the things I look forward to doing everyday, especially on the weekends! And of course, eating healthy.  

Q: What has changed in your life since taking the Gold’s Challenge?

Alexandra: How I see myself, how I think, and how I respond to things - so I’d say a lot! haha. 

Describe your typical workout during the Challenge?

It was a mix of upper and lower since I only trained with Francesca 4x a week (and did cardio 4-5x, sometimes 6 a week), but we did focus a lot on my upper body to bring back my shoulders and fix my posture. 

Q: What is your favorite exercise?


I don’t really have a favorite exercise, but at the moment I love training my triceps & shoulders.

Check out this video to learn more about Alexandra's experience.

Experience Change with the Gold's Challenge

Along with her family, Alexandra credits winning the Challenge to her trainer, Francesca. She encourage Alexandra daily and pushed her mentally and physically. Today, Alexandra feels confident and empowered and ready to take on the world.

Thank you for sharing your story with us, Alexandra. We are so proud of you and your accomplishments and we can't wait to see where your fitness journey continues to take you. 

Link up with a personal trainer and to take the Gold’s Challenge yourself. We also recommend starting the challenge with our FREE 8 Week Shred program.